Published inHuman Restoration ProjectHuman Restoration Project Acquires Floop EduFloop allows us to foster a culture of continuous improvement in our classrooms. We aim to build on this foundation, incorporating new…Oct 10, 2023114Oct 10, 2023114
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectUsing AI Without Losing Ourselves: A Critical Media Literacy for the 21st CenturyIn the 1960s, educator and founder of critical pedagogy, Paulo Freire, established an inventive literacy program for the marginalized…Sep 25, 2023432Sep 25, 2023432
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectWhy we need to change schools (right now).This article is a follow-up to our 2019 post: I use evidence to inform my teaching. There is overwhelming research (documented on the Human…Jun 27, 2023393Jun 27, 2023393
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectWriting: More Human Than a Ladder or Pyramid: Psychology, Behaviorism, and Better SchoolsPsychology is integral to professional development and teacher training programs. Teaching concepts from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to…May 13, 20232May 13, 20232
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectA New Era of Learning: Reimagining Conferences for Inspired TeachingThe more things change, the more they stay the same. Although understanding trends and modern research are integral to staying up to date…Feb 22, 202361Feb 22, 202361
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectThis is why we should stop giving homeworkAt Human Restoration Project, one of the core systemic changes we suggest is the elimination of homework. Throughout this piece, I will…Jan 28, 20231943Jan 28, 20231943
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectSchools Can’t Accept the Corporate Status QuoHoratio Alger Jr., the “rags-to-riches” storywriter in the mid 1800s, was well known for writing books with a common theme: a young boy…Dec 27, 202256Dec 27, 202256
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectThe Only Lasting Truth is ChangeProgressive education is in a time of “radical imagination.” Alex Khasnabish & Max Haiven, who coined the term, write,Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectLessons Preview: Human-Centered Interdisciplinary SubjectThis update showcases our progress on our Human-Centered Interdisciplinary Subject, a project in creating an actionable cross-disciplinary…Jun 29, 202220Jun 29, 202220
Published inHuman Restoration ProjectHuman Restoration Project Values Statements Update (2022)Over the last 2 years as a nonprofit, our practices and thoughts haven’t strayed much from the core philosophy — but certain language and…Jun 27, 20228Jun 27, 20228